Thursday, December 16, 2010

It's Not Meant to be Easy

A few days ago a neighbour who is an immigrant asked me to go over to her place and help her make a phone call to Canadian Citizenship and Immigration.  She had a question, and her English is a little too shaky to navigate the automated system.  She had gotten a call, apparently, telling her she should "come to the office" on a certain day, but it didn't bother telling her where said office was or giving her a number to call back.

Around an hour later, after a lot of frustrating punching of numbers and listening to long-winded messages, I got to talk to a human being who informed me that there was no way he could put the call through to the original caller and we would have to go across town to send a fax.

Frustrations like this fill our days so much that we shrug them off as normal, or if we think about them at all, we despair over the stupidity of big corporations and government agencies.  The thing we need to realize is that it isn't about stupidity.  They are making our lives as complicated as possible... on purpose.  In 1969 Dr. Richard Day of Planned Parenthood and Mt. Sinai Medical School gave a speech during which he asked that all recording devices be turned off.  Dr. Lawrence Dunegan, however, took notes during the speech and years later, soon before his death, made public what he remembered in a series of tapes, the transcript of which you can read here:

It is a stunning prediction of what was to come, indeed much of it already has, by an elite insider.  And it isn't the only one.  I also recommend reading Silent Weapons for a Quiet War,
a document found inside a copy machine sold in the 1980s that alludes to the founding and the plans of the Bilderberg Group.  I do recommend it with the caveat that it will not be good for your blood pressure.  But come on people, these are things we have to know.  All these disruptions in our lives, from petty annoyances like bureaucratic inefficiency to the barrage of new laws that concentrate power in the hands of a few psychopaths, have been coldly planned for decades if not centuries.   It's time to get our heads out of the sand.  The least we can do is demand a human response from the robotic voice on the other end of the phone.  It might be the only time in their day anyone jolts them out of their mind-controlled stupor.  In line at a grocery store recently (note, I hardly ever shop at grocery stores, but I was hungry and that was what I could find) they were collecting for "breast cancer research" and asking for donations with every purchase.  When the clerk, who was made up to look something like a cross between Lindsay Lohan and a Barbie doll, asked if I wanted to make a contribution for breast cancer, I said clearly so everyone in the line could hear, "Yes.  My contribution is to let you know that cancer research is a sham.  The cure for cancer has been known for decades and is being held in the Rockefeller Institute.  Any doctor who has come too close to the truth and starts actually curing patients loses his license."

We need to expose the lies on a large scale too, of course.  But in the course of our everyday lives we can do and say little things to break the spell.  They add up.

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